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  • Ami Adler

The Fire Within

Sardine Meadows, Northern Sierras – California (8/19/2024)

The Background:

I captured this image on the trail to Sardine Falls in the Northern Sierras.  I saw this hollowed out tree with light hitting the insides creating a beautiful golden glow.  I loved the dark outside contrasted with the orange glow of the inner bark.  I tried to distill the image down to just those two elements by removing the larger scene and honing in on just those two elements.

The Message:

Sometimes we may feel burnt out or unmotivated – we just don’t feel the passion in our lives.  But we all have a fire deep within us just waiting to come out.  We may not feel its warmth or be able to tap into the glow that it brings – but it is still present.  If we can just open a small crack in our hardened exterior, it will shine forth and lift us up.  It takes effort to tap into it – and sometimes the hardest thing to do is to get out of our own way – but the fire burns deep within us.  The passion, the excitement and zest for life are still there – they are a daily gift that is constantly renewed – the first step is to recognize that it is there and then we can begin to peel back the blockers and let it light us up…

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